With the biggest, most expensive scientific experiment in the history of the world (atleast in human life): the Big-Bang experiment starting smoothly on Sept. 10th, and the critics pointing that this might well result in the end of the world.. one starts to wonder whom to trust?
Trust the scientists who have worked hard together from various countries, for decades to make this experiment a reality? or trust the critics and appeal against this experiment as it might lead to creation of mini-black holes which could swallow the earth! (another option is to somehow provoke shiv-sena against this and they would take care of stopping the experiment). There are these scientists claiming that the experiment is perfectly safe and that this would reveal the true nature of universe, that one would be able to see what the universe was composed of a-billionth second after it was born, that we would be able to study mysterious things like dark matter and dark energy for the first time and there are others who believe that the experiment could go wrong and simply destroy the entire planet in a fraction of second!
Maybe we should have faith (or confidence for the atheist) in the scientist who must know what they are doing! After all they are supposed to be the brilliant minds from all over the world! They should have taken all such things into account. But on the other hand all scientists know that you must go through failing experiments to reach the successful one, If the first experiment works, you might well be doing it wrong! So how can we be sure that this will go right? or more importantly this wont go mad and wreck havoc? Can they take precautions against the forces that they don't themselves understand yet?
It is very much like creating a fire, only in this case we don't know what all the fire can burn? But from another point of view they aren't re-creating Big-Bang they aren't trying to re-create the universe, they are simply trying to understand how it came to being! In simple terms: If Big Bang was a Tyrannosaurus Rex, then the scientists are simply trying to grow a tissue culture of its skin. Still Complicated? Okay! If Big Bang was tsunami, then scientists are trying to move the bottom side of a big pool to understand how large waves are created by such an event.
It seems there is no harm in doing it and I sincerely hope so too, because.... I don't want to be part of a science fiction story in which each time a universe is created, innumerable lifeforms are also created, of which there is one with great intellect, which conquers/eliminates all other lifeforms with the might of intelligence, and after doing so, searches for the meaning of life or existence, and tries to understand how it came to being. To achieve this, it recreates the conditions which resulted in such an event; which in turn leads to creation of the next universe.
Suitable title for such a sci-fi story: "The cycle of life" [Source: a gen discussion with Angadi]