Friday, November 19, 2010

You are 'It'

Set out on its own way,
it doesn't know how it came to being,
or when it will die.

The path it takes, is called its destiny.
While it rewrites destiny,
with others of free will.

Collides with some of what's in its path, 
evades the others, it defies those 
who try to predict; flaunts its free-will.

The free-will, itself takes it on a ride
of self realization, and destroys the pride;
then disintegrates and merges it with self.

It is the self that takes them all, 
feeds, nourishes and sends each one out.
Out on its own way.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful and thought provoking. I agree with a lot of what is said here.
